Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Cale Watkins

Taylor Brown

Chase Greene

Food Animal Systems

Animal Science & Biotechnology 

Animal Production & Management

Agricultural Mechanics Systems

Ag Mechanics I 

Ag Mechanics II

Forestry & Wildlife Systems 

Wildlife Management 

Forest Science

Plant & Landscape Systems 

General Horticulture & Plant Science 

Nursery & Landscape

Animal/Mechanics Systems

Ag Mechanics I

Animal Production & Management

Forestry and Animal Systems

Forest Science

Animal Science & Biotechnology

Forest Mechanical Systems

Forest Science Ag Mechanics I

Horticulture and Animal Science 

General Horticulture & Plant Science 

Animal Science & Biotechnology

Horticulture and Forest Science 

General Horticulture & Plant Science 

Forest Science

 Horticulture and Mechanical Systems 

General Horticulture & Plant Science 

Ag Mechanics I

Plant and Floriculture Systems 

General Horticulture & Plant Science 

Floriculture Production & Management

Veterinary Science

Animal Science & Biotechnology 

Veterinary Science 

Construction Pathways


Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety

 Introduction to Construction

Carpentry I


Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety 

Introduction to Construction

Masonry I


Metals Pathway


Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety 

Introduction to Welding

Metals I